Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Quick To Cervical Polyps Grow

A birthday gifts, an idea and a book

The love Gisela birthday, clearly, that there's a surprise package was on track ;-) Congratulations and enjoy the celebrations and unpacking!

with the gifts it works more directly, because I was plentifully in Vienna. From Ursula I got this great Selvage-AMC with beads and embroidery, really at its best.

Michi gave away most delicious pumpkin seed oil and had the bottle to have hung a self-stitched heart.

Britta surprised me with a dish liquid and Lieblingsstöffchen in black and white,

and I thank Renate with a beautiful Mola own gift, somehow had to be ;-)

Moni me packed into their pack for the Australia-action of this charming heart, it now hangs in the hallway to the secretary of my parents.

I am most grateful to you, you have given me with your loving gifts a huge pleasure! Annas sweet delights are certainly no longer in the picture, guess why * LOL * I am also seduced by the idea to take out my many scraps in attack and my project's sewing turn thought "to it on my sewing table is no longer as below looks!

at a small middle piece are sewn really random stripes, everything is cut without a ruler, by eye, with my blocks with different black fabrics ;-) are seasoned

The blocks are quite large, colorful and quickly finished mixed, there really is coming off what

3 are already done -. schaun us see how many there be.

Finally, a Book recommendation for those who believe in love at first sight, for the romantics among you, and Paris fans, this is your reading. Antoine, a 32-year-old book dealer, falls during a visit to the Cafe Flore beautiful immortal in one unknown, which, unfortunately, still a pretty good looking "guy" is accompanied. Fortunately for Antoine, giving him just before leaving the cafe still a piece of paper with her name - Isabelle - slipped a phone number and request a call back within the hour, the story must come somehow in drive ... if not for the last digit of the phone number by accident would have been unreadable! What begins now is a kind of adventure tour of Paris and of course I will not tell whether it Antoine manages to find Isabelle. Suffice it to reveal, you know, after 24 hours of searching and it's 142 pages are, and carried by the feeling that life comes along, some days like a sparkling champagne and all of Paris dreams of love ... but we did anyway, - ) Here's more about this charming little book.


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